
The first step in the governance process is the discussion phase. The discussion phase is open to anyone and can be found at https://gov.renzoprotocol.com/.

This phase serves as the foundation for informed decision-making, allowing community members to propose ideas, debate their merits, and refine proposals before they move to a formal voting stage. The discussion phase typically unfolds in the following way:

  1. Idea generation: Community members brainstorm and develop ideas that could improve the Renzo protocol.

  2. Initial submission: An initial proposal is drafted and shared on the Renzo discourse group. This draft includes detailed information about the proposed change, its rationale, potential benefits, and any associated risks.

  3. Community engagement: Once a proposal is submitted, it is open for discussion. All token holders and stakeholders are encouraged to participate.

  4. Feedback and debate: Community members provide feedback, ask questions, and debate the merits of the proposal. This open dialogue helps identify strengths and weaknesses, allowing for a thorough evaluation.

  5. Revisions: Based on the feedback received, the proposal’s author can make revisions to address concerns and clarify certain points.

  6. Final draft: After revisions, the proposal is updated to a final draft. This version reflects the collective input of the previous stages and is typically more polished.

  7. Readiness check: The final draft undergoes a readiness check to ensure it meets all necessary criteria and guidelines for moving to the voting phase.

The discussion phase will last five days upon the initial release of governance, but may be updated in the future.

Last updated