
$ezETH is the liquid restaking token representing a user’s restaked position at Renzo. Users can deposit native ETH or LSTs and receive $ezETH. Serving as the interface to the EigenLayer ecosystem, $ezETH secures Actively Validated Services (AVSs) to generate both staking and restaking rewards.


  • $ezETH is a reward bearing token similar to cTokens

  • The underlying restaking positions earn rewards which are reflected in the price of $ezETH

    • Rewards are expected in ETH, USDC and AVS reward tokens.

  • This means the value $ezETH increase relative to the underlying LSTs as it earns more rewards in AVS tokens

  • To mint $ezETH, simply go to the renzoprotocol.com/restake and stake your ETH or LSTs


  • Depending on the restaking strategies deployed, unstaking will take a minimum of 7 days, primarily due to EigenLayer unstaking requirements, but will vary depending on each AVS.

  • If the deposits and withdrawals are balanced, the rewards are equally distributed regardless of the asset being withdrawn.

  • If the deposits and withdrawals are unbalanced, while the principal will be withdrawn in whole the rewards are different for each asset incentivizing the balance based on the jump rate model


  • Please note, $ezETH withdrawals are not enabled. You are encouraged to supply liquidity or sell $ezETH on Balancer, that offers a superior mechanism to convert $ezETH into ETH for most cases. Visit the $ezETH/WETH Balancer Pool.


  • Renzo passes 100% of any EigenLayer rewards

  • Renzo charges a 10% fee on rewards generated via restaking. The fees are split 50/50 between protocol reserves (treasury) and Renzo node operators.

Last updated