
FAQs related to ezPoints for $ezETH & $REZ

Q: Will I still receive the Season 2 ezPoints boost if I do not maintain my $ezETH balance in Season 2?

A: Users whose $ezETH balance decreases due to slippage, tx fees, or bridge fees will not be penalized, and thus, so long as you maintain most of the $ezETH balance in your wallet, you will be eligible to receive the Season 2 ezPoints boost.

Q: Will I still receive the Season 2 ezPoints boost if I have supplied $ezETH to Pendle for YT-$ezETH?

A: If your YT balance is maintained, you will still get the Season 2 ezPoints boost. If you are moving between YTs, make sure that your average YT balance throughout Season 2 remains greater than or equal to your Season 1 balance.

Q: Will Season 2 require Season 1 & Season 2 ezPoints, or only S2 ezPoints?

A: Season 2 does not require you to hold Season 1 points in order to participate, users that maintain or increase their $ezETH balance will be eligible to receive a 10% boost on all of their Season 2 points.

Q: When I restake with Renzo, will I see my EigenPoints on Eigenlayer directly?

A: With Renzo when you deposit your ETH, every batch of 32 ETH is staked with Figment and then restaked via EigenPods. Thus, you won't be able to check your individual EigenLayer Pt wallet balance on the EigenLayer Dapp.

Q: What is Looping?

A: Looping — i.e. using the same $ezETH to generate rewards multiple times by selling $ezETH for ETH to repeat the process is strictly prohibited. Our system will be monitoring this and void you from the Boost and your ezPoints.

Q: How do I receive the 200 ezPoint Boost?

A: ETH or LST holders who deposit into Renzo between February 5th, 2024 00:00 UTC and February 11th, 2024 00:00 UTC will receive a 200 ezPoints Boost for every 1 ETH or LST deposit.

ezPoints are calculated and distributed pro-rata in proportion to your deposit amount. ezPoints will accumulate to your $ezETH balance and will show up in your portfolio immediatley.

Last updated