Q: What is the minimum amount of ezPoints required to be eligible for the distribution?
A: Season 1: At the time of the snapshot (April 26th, 2024), users must hold a minimum of 360 ezPoints accrued in Season 1
Season 2: At the time of the snapshot (July 26th, 2024), users must hold a minimum of 1,500 ezPoints accrued in Season 2
Season 3/Amore: At the time of the snapshot (end of November, 2024), users must hold a minimum of 1,000 ezPoints accrued in Season 3/Amore
Q: Why does the team consider a minimum point to be eligible for the REZ distribution?
A: The ezPoint minimum requirement serves two purposes. First, it ensures that users receive an allocation large enough to justify the gas fees associated with claiming. Second, this threshold helps prevent potential Sybil attacks by discouraging the creation of numerous small accounts.
Q: Will the distribution occur on Ethereum Mainnet, how long will I remain eligible to claim?
A: Yes, all eligible users will be able to claim their $REZ on Ethereum Mainnet. Please refer to Renzo's announcement for the claim period for each REZ distribution.
Q: Can I participate in the current season if I’m not eligible for the previous distributions?
A: Yes, anyone can join and participate in the current season. It’s currently ongoing.
Q: Why do smaller wallets receive no vesting conditions?
A: For users with a smaller wallet balance we wanted to acknowledge the higher gas fees required to participate in Renzo and minimize friction for users.
Last updated