How is the ETH to $ezETH Exchange Rate calculated?

$ezETH is a reward bearing token like Compound’s cTokens. This means that native ETH rewards that are generated from staking are captured by the protocol and reflected in the price of $ezETH.

Does Renzo charge any fees? Renzo charges a 10% fee on rewards generated via restaking. The fees are split 50/50 between protocol reserves (treasury) and Renzo node operators.

How is the ETH to $ezETH Exchange Rate calculated?

$ezETH is a reward bearing token like Compound’s cTokens. This means that native ETH rewards that are generated from staking are captured by the protocol and reflected in the price of $ezETH.

What can you do with $ezETH?

Hold $ezETH in your wallet to collect rewards, swap or supply $ezETH on DEXs, or participate in DeFi opportunities as $ezETH is integrated into more DeFi applications. See a full list of Renzo's DeFi integrations

When will withdrawals on L2s be enabled?

In Phase 1, withdrawals will only be enabled on Ethereum mainnet. You can either swap on DEXs or bridge to Mainnet using our bridge partners Connext. See Layer 2 for bridging with Connext.

How long does it take for $ezETH withdrawal to go through unstaking and cooldown?

Unstaking $ezETH from takes 7-days and the Beacon Chain queue may take up to ~1 additional week depending on the exit queue.

Your ETH will be available after the cooldown period has finished.

If I swap my $ezETH into other ERC-20 tokens, do I still earn both EigenLayer and Renzo points?

No, you need to hold $ezETH in order to accumulate the associated rewards, unless you are holding LP tokens that represent the underlying $ezETH. Rewards are directly tied to $ezETH, remember, every $ezETH you hold accumulates 1 EigenLayer Point and 1 ezPoint plus any boosts.

How to withdraw ezETH?

WIthdrawals are currently enabled on Ethereum mainnet. Depending on the restaking strategies deployed, unstaking will take a minimum of 7 days, primarily due to EigenLayer unstaking requirements, but will vary depending on each AVS. Simply visit https://app.renzoprotocol.com/ezeth, switch between restake and withdraw functions by clicking the swap arrow button in the center of the dialog box, and proceed with withdrawal.

Once you initiate the withdrawal, you stop accruing any reward on your ezETH. You can track the status of your withdrawal in the Claims tab located at the bottom of the page, near the AVSs tab. Once your withdrawal is ready, click the Claim button to collect your assets.

Last updated