$REZ Staking FAQs

What is $REZ staking?

$REZ staking allows users to stake their $REZ and boost their ezPoints based on staking and Renzo ecosystem activity.

How do I get ezPoints by staking $REZ?

For every 5,000 $REZ staked, users get 1 ezPoint per hour. More the $REZ staked, more the ezPoints.

How does $REZ staking compare to holding $ezETH?

Staking 5,000 $REZ gets users an equal amount of ezPoints as holding 1 $ezETH, resulting in 1 ezPoint per hour for every 5,000 $REZ staked.

Can I combine multiple boosts from $REZ staking and owning $ezETH? ezPoints boosts campaigns cannot be combined, users only qualify for the highest boost reward.

What is the “Season 1 ezPoints Boost”?

Season 1 users will receive a 10% boost on their total ezPoints balance at the end of Season 2. No minimum ezPoints requirement.

What is the “Season 2 Baseline: $REZ Staking Boost”?

All users who stake $REZ get 1 ezPoint for every 5,000 $REZ staked per hour (e.g. if you stake 7500 $REZ, you get 1.5 ezPoints per hour).

What is the “Season 1 $REZ Airdrop Hodler Boost”?

If a user's daily average staked $REZ position over the course of Season 2 is equal or greater than 100% of what was received from the Season 1 airdrop, users get a 50% boost on their total ezPoints balance.

  • Example: User received 100 $REZ from Season 1 airdrop, user's daily average staked $REZ position over the course of Season 2 is 100 $REZ or more, user gets a 50% on their total ezPoints balance.

Note: Boosts can not be combined, users will simply receive the highest boost program they qualify for.

What if I got an airdrop in Season 1 but it is vested?

Unvested $REZ for the top wallets will be accounted for as staked $REZ for the purpose of the boost. Vested users can see their vested $REZ tokens on Liquifi.

Can I still get a boost on my ezPoints If I did not qualify for a $REZ airdrop?

All Season 1 users will receive a 10% boost on their total ezPoint balance at the end of Season 2. No minimum ezPoints requirement.

What is the start/end date for calculating my daily average staked $REZ position?

The start date for calculating daily average staked $REZ began on May 22nd, 2024 and will run until the end of Season 2.

If I sold $REZ, can I repurchase $REZ and participate in $REZ staking for the boost?

Yes, If a user's daily average staked $REZ position over the course of Season 2 is equal or greater than 100% of what was received from the Season 1 airdrop, users get a 50% boost on their total ezPoints balance.

When will I be able to see the boost on my ezPoints?

Renzo will take a snapshot of your daily average $REZ staked position at the end of Season 2, afterwards the highest boost you qualify for will be added to your total ezPoints balance.

How do I stake my $REZ tokens?

Detailed instructions for staking $REZ tokens can be found here.

What is the benefit of staking $REZ compared to holding it?

Staking $REZ allows users to get ezPoints, which can lead to additional rewards and boosts within the Renzo ecosystem. Simply holding $REZ without staking does not accrue ezPoints.

Can I unstake my $REZ tokens at any time?

Yes, users can unstake their $REZ tokens at any time, but doing so will stop the accumulation of ezPoints.

Will ezPoints points be issued to $REZ stakers during the cooldown period?

No, ezPoints points will not accrue during the cooldown period.

What is the cooldown period of 7-days?

When a user initiates a withdrawal of $REZ tokens, a cooldown period of 7-days is initiated. After the cooldown period has passed, the user may withdraw all of their staked $REZ.

Are there any risks associated with staking $REZ?

As with any staking activity, there are risks involved, including potential changes in the value of $REZ and smart contract risks. Users who have questions, please visit the Terms of Service.

Has $REZ staking been audited?

Yes, audits have been conducted by Halborn and we have a $250k bug bounty available via immunifi for developers to submit bugs in the underlying $REZ staking contract

Last updated